Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Name Tag

My name is _______

I am a remnant.

I’ve lost my –

I’m lost,
Can you help me?

You used to know me –
I think.


  1. I often find myself at odds with the person I am and the person I thought I was going to be. Expectation and reality leave me worn out and the flotsam and jetsam left floating after the struggle within isn't enough to justify the fight to begin with. "Name Tag" reminded me that it's ok to have dialogue with the person you used to be and that you can ignore a lot of the baggage and be content without having a definitive answer for who you might be. I don't have to reconcile. I can just be me. Sorry, that was long-winded as hell. Great poem, though!

  2. Thank you for commenting! Do not apologize for being "long-winded." I am thrilled to know that this poem had an effect on you. I wrote it a few years ago when I was really struggling with reconciling where I was emotionally and where I wanted to go. Please keep reading and commenting! Good to hear from you, Noble!
