Monday, June 24, 2013


if you sit still inside of yourself,
refusing to hover over the surface of things,
you might just discover a new way to inhabit
your flesh, the body you have been given,
the one that slipped out of your mother
on the day you were born
and gasped for air like a fish
as your lungs learned to embrace oxygen;
this body has carried you,
the muscles, breath, tendons, toes
are yours to cherish, to abuse, to adore.

sometimes a body enters your space
and every fiber of your being
is aware of its presence 
and there is nothing you can do but
line up your pawns 
and ask them to take two steps forward with you
before they scoot to the side,
leaving your path clear.
you’ve played before,
but, this time, break the rules,
eschew the game,
and operate with the assuredness
that comes from inhabiting your space
rather than hovering on the surface.
find the moment where you connect,
fingertips brushing, a hand on your hip,
and revel in the knowledge
that you have won.

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