Saturday, June 29, 2013

Milk with your ice?

Did you know
that in the 19th century,
linguists decided
there was little connection
between language and logic?

I like to sit
in the middle of a sentence,
straddling the comma
and contemplating
the semicolon
that could divide my phrases
into independent clauses.
(Ben Jonson systematized the semicolon.)  
Perhaps, instead, I will use
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
to present reasons,
(non) contrasting items,
consequences, and exceptions.

Human beings
can express the same thought
in varying ways;
I recently had someone ask,
"Do you like milk with your ice?"
I have to assume
he was asking if
I like ice cream.
Perhaps we missed each other
in the effort to decipher meaning.

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