Friday, September 20, 2013


Utterly inundated
sliced orange-green-yellow-white
splashed red
find the inside of a thought
that suggests that texts are not timeless,
the mouth howls insistently
Émissions de Télévision en Français
head in her hands
hope at the tip of fingers
a question - Coleridge or Beckett? - 
searching for Heathcliff and Catherine
covered in false information, misleading steps
cradling Isabella in the palm of her hand,
she reaches for the sea of crawling foam,
Paraît que le bonheur est à portée de main
alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou,
which every modernist has to some extent inflicted,
happiness within our grasp to be laughed at,
"Everything she said was like a secret voice
speaking straight out of my bones," said Sylvia,
and close by a poet placed a jar in Tennessee,
good joke, je suis folle, but que sera sera
je ne sais pas si je veux ceux-ci ou ceux-là. 

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