Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Robin, Paper, Jack

Wearing a crooked smile,
Robin winks at the girls
in the red and blue flannels
and knitted wool hats,
flitting away quickly
when spotted
to watch them
from his post nearby in
Paper Burch.

Paper welcomes Robin,
but today cannot revel in his homecoming.
Paper shivers and feels
sullenly jealous of the needles
covering Jack Pine next-door.
He watches with envy as Jack breezily shakes off
the softing white flakes
that so quickly become

Little does Paper know
that Jack covets Paper’s bare limbs,
desperately wishing that his prickles
might one November copy Paper’s leaves,
browning and yellowing as they Fall
to the ground to form a pile
in which the children play,
thanking Paper for his sacrifice
with squeals of Joy,
only the echoes of which Jack
can longingly absorb. 

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